Cinc motius per provar Smashrun...

These badges won’t earn themselves. Here’s the thing about badges: for thousands of years, human beings have been rewarding accomplishment with symbols of respect. From Roman soldiers to subway heroes, we’ve bestowed tokens on those who have done something above and beyond. It’s part of our heritage. One could even say it’s intrinsic to our humanity. Now go out there and knock out 500 miles so you can be the first of your friends to earn one of these little devils.
It's the easiest way to log your runs. Logging your runs shouldn't be a hassle. We built Smashrun to make it fast and simple. You can manually add a run in seconds, import a GPX, TCX, or FIT file, or import directly from Garmin or TomTom. Smashrun does the rest, and you can quickly get a new perspective on your entire running history.
Rastreja els teus progressos amb dades detallades.Cada corredor té una història i les teves estadístiques expliquen la teva història.L'escriptori de Smashrun fa que sigui fàcil veure què vas fer i et va donar bons resultats en el passat.Sabràs quan millores i quan t'has estancat. Més important encara, sabràs quan has d'apretar més o quan has de frenar.
See how you compare. Competition is a powerful motivator. Especially when you're comparing yourself against runners of the same sex or age group. There's also a rank breakdown that shows you exactly what you need to do to move up within your demographic.
T'ajudarem a que mantinguis el teu ritme.Smashrun et dóna feedback en tot moment.Has guanyat una insígnia perquè has aconseguit una fita. Se't mostren fets destacables perquè hi ha coses excepcionals en la teva carrera. El teu informe setmanal diu que has realitzat una altra setmana saludable! Et donem titulars del que necessites saber per mantenir les coses interessants per a que continuis corrent.


Smashrun is a really small team - Chris, Jacklyn, and Steve. Since we started, our mission has always been to bridge the gap between the experience of your run and the way you see your run through your data. It's not always easy to realize how far you've come with your running, or to see how you got to your level of fitness today. That's where Smashrun comes in...
